Copyright Info.
Read below to learn how you may use Gerry Asmus' free Christian music:
All content and materials on this website are the copyright of Gerry Asmus and all rights are reserved.
No Portion of this website (with exceptions below) may be reproduced in whole or in part without prior written consent.
The following exceptions apply only to the songs contained within this website:
You may make unlimited copies and redistribute either electronically or on hard media, provided that you conspicuously and appropriately publish the applicable copyright notice on each copy. You must inform the author prior to distribution.
You may not use any of the materials on this website including songs in whole or in part in conjunction with, support of or association with any form of offensive material including, but not limited to: pornography, racism and violence. Please contact Gerry Asmus before any reproduction.
The materials are not to be used for financial gain. You may not charge for duplication or distribution (soft or hard copies) and you must not compromise the sound quality or alter the recordings, or lyrics in any way.
None of the material on this website, including songs may be used in whole or in part for commercial purposes without prior written consent.